A couple of weeks ago I drove about 2 and half hours away from where I live to go celebrate my niece's birthday. I managed to get a couple of shots of my outfit and figured I'd post it up here for you guys :)
Before I show you my outfit, look at how gorgeous this child is with her blue eyes and curly blonde hair!

She's hilarious, my niece is an absolute riot. I normally don't like children, but this girl had me cracking up the whole time with her natural sarcasm and how straight forward she is. That is one thing I can say I enjoy about kids. During that day it was kind of windy and I'm glad my outfit was completely comfortable and flowy.
The sunglasses I wore are Rayban Wayfarers and I love them so much. I've just come to the realization that I need to embrace my hipster qualities and not fight them because I know a lot of the things I do and things I like are considered to be hipster, but its totally fine haha. If you're interested in the specific Raybans I have
click here.

Most people don't see my nose piercing because it's so small, but I've had it for a year now. I have no regrets about it whatsoever. I love it. I actually wanted to pierce my nose a good couple of years ago but never did it. The earrings I'm wearing are from H&M. I believe I purchased them about 3 weeks ago to a month ago so I'm not sure if they're still in stores but feather accessories are popular right now, so I don't imagine anyone having trouble finding some.

I've really been enjoying wearing slouchy tops because they're very comfortable. I bought this pale jade colored one from Love Culture for about $13 I think. It's pretty inexpensive and completely comfortable. The tank underneath is from H&M and the leggings are from Cotton On.

I love to wear costume jewelry because I think they're so funky, inexpensive and fun to play with. Both of the rings I'm wearing I purchased in the diamond district in NYC on different trips there. The owl necklace and other chains are from Forever21 and the watch is actually a vintage Disney watch with Minnie Mouse on it. My aunt found it in her house a while back and since she doesn't have any daughters I asked her if I could have it and she said yes :)

This is a close up of the watch. It's so cute right?!

The sandals are from Mia and I bought at Nordstrom Rack. I love that my tattoos peeks out a little in this photo. I love how you can't see how big it is because it goes up to about 2/3 of my calf.

Even though it was a little windy, the weather was still fantastic. I'm hoping it starts getting warm regularly because I love this season. I hope all of your are doing well and I'll see you soon! :)